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Configuration Settings
- 38 Minutes to read
Configuration Settings
The WithoutWire Warehouse Management System can be configured in a variety of ways to meet your needs. Below, we’ve documented user-managed options that can be controlled from the WithoutWire Web Console. This page can be found under System Maintenance > Configuration Settings.
Inventory Operation Settings
Barcode Type
Setting that determines the available format that can be used to identify inventory in the system.
ItemPlusLot: Default setting. Will accept both Item ID and Core Value scans to display inventory.
ItemIDPlusLot: When scanning barcodes, this setting will allow users to scan a combined Item ID and Core Value to view a specific Lot Tracked Item. Example: ITEMIDLOTNUMBER
LotOnly: This setting will allow users to scan only the Lot Value for an item on the Main Screen to bring up the inventory details for that item.
Prompt for Custom Attributes
When enabled, this setting will bring up an additional screen to prompt users to add additional attributes to items when receiving and adjusting inventory.
Allow User to Complete Count With Items Remaining to be Counted
If this configuration is on, the user can complete a count no matter how many items on the count have been counted. The count will only track and be able to change quantity on what was counted while the remaining items stay the same as if they weren't on the count. If this configuration is off, the user must finish every item on the count before completing the count.
Enable Asynchronous Cycle Counting For Serial Tracked Items
If this configuration is checked ON, the mobile app will store data on the mobile device while counting without calling the database after each scan. After a count is complete, the device will call to the database and upload the results. This allows users to perform faster cycle counts for serial tracked items.
Autogenerate Item List During Cycle Count
If this configuration is checked ON, a "Generate Cycle Count" button will appear on the "Cycle Count Maintenance" screen in the web console. This button would create the next count in the ABC cycle count schedule.
ABC Cycle Counts to Perform Per Year
This configuration sets how many cycle counts will be performed per year when using ABC counting. For example, a value of 12 will create an ABC count once a month. The item level count setting determines what items will appear on each count.
Starting Date to Prorate the Interval for First Year of ABC Counts
This is the first date that will start ABC cycle counts. The interval between counts is based on the "ABC Cycle Counts to Perform Per Year" configuration.
Auto Complete Basic Items on Quick Count Recount With Original Values
This configuration only applies to cycle counts that are set as quick counts. If this configuration is ON, BASIC items that are assigned for recount will automatically fill in the quantity that was entered on the original count, regardless of accuracy. The counter then has the option to change the quantity. If this configuration is OFF, all items on a recount will display 0 quantity, requiring the user to provide a quantity on the recount.
Require Scan During Count
When this configuration is checked ON, the user will be required to scan the bin location and items in order to enter quantities while performing a mobile cycle count. If this configuration is checked OFF, the user may tap the bin locations and items to enter quantities.
Place Product on Hold if Expiring in (Days)
When Inventory is assigned an Expiration Date, this configuration can be used to automatically place a hold on the inventory when the current date is within the set number of days before the inventory expires. This hold will prevent the inventory from being picked or used in manufacturing.
Allow Modifying Holds in Inventory Operations
If this configuration is turned ON, users can modify the inventory hold status from the Inventory Operations mobile tile. If this is turned OFF, a user must modify the hold status in the web console. This configuration can be overridden by the Group settings.
Require Reason Code When Placing Product on Hold
If this configuration is checked ON, users will be required to enter a reason code when using the Web Console to place a hold status on an item.
Require Notes During Inventory Adjustment
None: This setting will hide the notes field on the inventory adjustments tile.
Optional: Users will have the option to record notes when performing an adjustment, but the system will not require notes to complete the adjustment.
Required: Before completing an inventory adjustment, users will be required to enter a note in the available Notes field.
Autogenerate Tasks For New Procurement Requests
If this configuration is checked ON, new Procurement Requests will autogenerate the associated tasks upon request creation. This would include the task type of PO. If this configuration is OFF, Procurement Requests will remain in a pending status for a user to manually generate the PO task for completion.
Autogenerate Tasks For New Inventory Requests
If this configuration is checked ON, new Inventory Requests will autogenerate the associated tasks upon request creation. As needed, this would include the task type(s) of Transfers, Transfer PO's, and Move orders. If this configuration is OFF, Inventory Requests will remain in a pending status for a user to manually generate the necessary tasks for completion.
Autogenerate Tasks For New Replenishment Requests
If this configuration is checked ON, new Replenishment Requests will autogenerate the associated tasks upon request creation. As needed, this would include the task type(s) of Transfers, Transfer POs, and Move orders. If this configuration is OFF, Replenishment Requests will remain in a pending status for a user to manually generate the necessary tasks for completion.
Replenishment Type
This configuration controls how replenishment functions in an environment.
Legacy: This method uses the "Replenish" tile. This option is restricted to same-site replenishments and requires that primary bins are setup. This method uses overstock locations to replenish the primary bins within a warehouse.
Internal: This method is an improvement of Legacy. Inventory requests for replenishment are automatically generated on a schedule. Tasks are manually created from the requests, unless configured to be automatic. This method allows cross-site replenishments.
API: Replenishments are handled externally via the API. Either the user or ERP will call the API to check for replenishments.
Allow Move to Autogenerate Multiple License Plates
Setting this configuration to True will allow users to set the number of License Plates they want to create during a Move action. The system will then evenly split the inventory to be moved among the generated License Plates.
Default Move Quantity
This numerical value will automatically set the quantity value that is generated when a user chooses an item to move in the Move tile. Setting this value to -1 will set the value to the maximum available quantity.
Require Bin Scan During Replenishment
After a replenishment request has been generated, setting this configuration to True will require users to scan the Source Bin to start fulfilling the request.
Enforce Max Quantity During Replenishment
If this configuration is turned ON, users cannot request quantities greater than the maximum allowed per item during replenishments. If this configuration is turned OFF, users can override the maximum quantities per item during replenishments. This can be overridden by the Warehouse settings.
Enable Enhanced Main Screen Inventory Lookup
Turning this configuration ON will give users a dropdown during a main screen scan of inventory. The display fields are Inventory Total, Available Total, and On-Hold Total. This gives users a quick way to view how much of a particular item they have, or how many items are in a particular bin without needing to add up the various lines. Available Total is calculated by taking the Inventory Total - On-Hold Total - Total on Pending Sales Orders. Inventory in damage bins will be automatically set to on-hold and excluded from the available total.
Allow Edits to Autopopulated Dates
If this configuration is checked ON, users will be able to change the previously autogenerated expiration date of items.
Allow Modifying Inventory Allocation on Mobile
If this configuration is checked ON, users can edit the allocation set on inventory from mobile "Inv. Adjust" and "Inventory Operations" tiles.
Default Allocation Type
Basic: Basic allocation requires that the allocation of the inventory being used on an outbound order directly matches that of the line or header allocation for the order.
Advanced: Advanced allocation allows the user to pick unallocated inventory to an outbound order whereas that order has a line/header allocation set. This action stamps the inventory picked with the corresponding line/header allocation once picked to the order.
Enable Inventory Request Processing
If this configuration is ON, queued inventory requests will be processed into tasks via the scheduled API. This only occurs in Multitenant environments.
Automatic License Plate Creation Behavior During Move
Not Allowed: This option will disable the Autogenerate License Plate checkbox.
AllowUnchecked: This option enables the Autogenerate License Plate checkbox but will leave it unchecked by default.
Remove License Plate During Bin Transfers
If this configuration is checked ON, when an item that exists on a license plate within a bin gets moved to another bin, the license plate gets removed and the item is placed directly into the bin.
Use GS1 Barcodes
Turn this configuration ON if GS1 barcodes will be used in the environment.
Allow Destination Bin/Zone Selection in request Inventory
If this is checked ON, the user can choose where they want the inventory request to be received at a bin/zone level. If checked OFF, using the Request Inventory tile will simply request inventory to that user's site. This configuration can be overridden by the Group settings.
Allow Selecting Same Source & Destination Site in Request Inventory
If this configuration is checked ON, user can select the current site as the source in the "Request Inventory" tile. If OFF, user must select a different site to request inventory from.
Picking Settings
Use Customer Specific Shelf Lives
This setting will allow customers to set a specific shelf life for inventory that will prevent users from picking inventory that is expiring at or before that given date. For example, if a customer has a shelf life of 30 days for an item, users will be required to pick inventory that is expiring in at least 30 days or more.
Use Advanced Container Splitting Logic
This configuration modifies the way Wavesets are created. On the Web Console, a new option is available to split out Wavesets. After a Waveset is created, users can go into the order details, select the lines they want to split out into smaller orders, and click SPLIT.
Allow Overpicking
This setting will allow users to pick more inventory than listed on a Pick Request Order. Overriding this at the item level will allow users to over-pick specific items rather than the full order.
Picking Without Scan
This configuration controls how users may pick items to orders. This configuration overrides the "Require Item Scan During Picking" configuration. This configuration can be overridden by the OrderType settings.
NotAllowed - The user must scan the item in order to pick it. The device will then prompt for quantity.
Allow - The user can scan or tap on the item to pick it. The device will then prompt for quantity.
Tap - The user can tap an item to pick it and it will automatically complete the line with the quantity on the order.
ScanCommit - The user can scan or tap on the item to pick it. If scanned, the item will automatically complete the line with the quantity on the order.
Allow Requesting Additional Orders from Pick Tile
If this configuration is turned on, users will be able to use the "Request More" button in the options menu of the Picking tile. Pressing this button will find the next order that is either 'Unassigned', or 'Waiting to be Picked' and assign it to the user to begin picking. If an order was manually unassigned via the web console, pressing this button will not assign the order to any user. If this configuration is turned off, the "Request More" button will be disabled.
Allow Re-opening Of Orders From The Ship Tile
If this configuration is on, staged orders can be reopened for picking by entering the Ship tile and tapping an order > Options > Reopen. This will assign the order to the user that reopened it. This configuration also works with "Auto Assign Reopened Orders To Pickers". When both configurations are on, reopening an order will assign it to all available pickers.
Auto Assign Reopened Orders To Pickers
The configuration "Allow Re-opening Of Orders From The Ship Tile" needs to be on for this configuration to take effect. If this configuration is on, orders that are reopened from the Ship tile will be auto assigned to all available pickers, instead of just the user that reopened the order.
Allow Unshorting During Picking
With this configuration set to True, users will be able to undo a short action during the picking process, even if the short was intentional. This undo can be done by selecting the line item that was shorted and tapping Options > Undo Short.
Order Status Allowed to Create Wavesets
This text field is a list of order status that are allowed to be used to create Wavesets. The default value for the configuration is Unassigned.
Comma Separated List of Order Types That Will Automatically Be Imported as Wavesets
Any pickable order type available in WithoutWire can be added to this list. Upon import into the system, they will be assigned to a Waveset. The available order types are:
SO: Sales Order
TR: Transfer Order
CR: Customer Return Order
JOB: A field service job request
MFG: Manufacturing Order
Default Customer to Use for Wavesets
When creating Wavesets, this customer will be assigned to the set for tracking. If the customer entered is not currently in the system, the Waveset will not be created, and the Pick Request Console will display an error. The default value is Default.
Auto Assign Orders
Setting this configuration to True will assign Pick Request Orders out to available pickers upon import into the system.
Auto-create Allocation Set per Order
If this configuration is turned ON, an allocation set will automatically be created when an order is imported. The allocation set name will match the order number. If this configuration is OFF, no allocation sets will be created upon order import.
Auto-Allocate Inventory to Orders
This configuration handles how auto-allocation will occur. Auto-create Allocation Set per Order needs to be ON for this configuration to take effect.
Never: No inventory will be automatically allocated.
AtImport: Inventory will be automatically allocated to an order when the order is imported to WithoutWire.
AtAssignment: Inventory will be automatically allocated to an order when the order is assigned to a user for picking.
Restrict Allocation to Primary Bins and Zones
Auto-create Allocation Set per Order needs to be ON for this configuration to take effect. If this configuration is turned ON, users will only be able to allocate inventory to an order from an item's primary location. This applies to both manual and automatic allocation. If an item has no primary locations, you will not be able to allocate inventory. If this configuration is turned OFF, inventory can be allocated from any location.
Allow License Plate Affinity
If this setting is enabled, users will be required to scan a License Plate number after each pick. It can be overridden at the OrderType level. If disabled, only a single scan of the License Plate being used during picking will be required. This setting is used in conjunction with the Require License Plate Scan During Picking configuration.
Allow Users to Unpick All Items
During the picking process, users will be able to go to Options > Unpick All on their mobile device. Doing so will prompt the user to select a location to return the picked items to. Once the unpick is completed, the inventory will be removed from the user’s WIP Bin but will remain on the License Plate that it was picked to.
Allow Staging Multiple LPs at Once
If this configuration is checked ON, users will be able to scan/select multiple License Plates to stage in a single transaction. If this configuration is checked OFF, users have to stage each License Plate one at a time. This configuration can be overridden by the OrderType settings.
Allow Partially Staging
If this configuration is checked ON, users will be able to stage selected License Plates on an order that is not fully picked yet. If this configuration is checked OFF, users will have to completely pick an order before staging anything. This configuration can be overridden by the OrderType settings.
Allow Staging Before Order is Completely Picked
If this configuration is ON, the user will be able to stage everything they have picked on an order, regardless of whether it is complete. This is done by tapping Options -> Stage Partial Pick while in the order.
Clear Assignments on Partial Stage or Unpick
In conjunction with the Allow Users to Unpick All Items and Allow Partial Staging configurations, this setting will remove all current pick request assignments for the user if they unpick or partially stage an order.
Disallow Full License Plate Picks
With this configuration setting, users will not be able to pick a full License Plate. Instead, users will be required to scan each individual item on the License Plate.
Disallow Creating License Plates During Picking
This configuration will require users to pick orders to an existing License Plate. Disabling this configuration will allow users to scan a License Plate number that does not currently exist in the system and create it.
Prevent Users from Overriding Default Staging Bin
On import, each pickable order will be stamped with a default staging location based on route through the warehouse. Setting this configuration to True will allow users to scan any valid staging location at the end of the picking process to stage the order in that new location. It can be overridden at the OrderType level.
Require Picking to License Plates
Activating this configuration will require users to scan a License Plate number before an item can be picked. If the user attempts to pick an item without scanning a License Plate number, the system will prompt the user to scan one. If the License Plate does not exist, the user will be prompted to create it. There is no limit to the number of License Plates. This configuration can be overridden at the OrderType level, then the Zone level. If this configuration is turned off, inventory will be picked directly to the user’s WIP Bin.
Order Picking Location By
This configuration changes the location that gets suggested while picking items on an order.
FIFO - The oldest core value, bin item quantity, or the first expiring.
BinSeq - Follows the assigned bin sequences
BinSeqAndOldestLP - Follows the assigned bin sequences while recommending the oldest license plate in the bin.
MinBinQty - Pick from locations with the least inventory first
FewestBinPicks - Optimizes picking to travel to the fewest locations
Require Picking in the Ordered UOM
When set to True, this will require users to pick items using only the listed UOM on the order.
Prevent Mixing Lots During Picking
When this setting is activated, this configuration will prevent users from mixing different batches of Lot Tracked Items during the picking process. This configuration can be overridden by the Customer settings.
Require Bin Scan During Picking
This configuration will require users to scan the Bin that is being picked from after choosing an item to be picked on an order.
Require Item Scan During Picking
Setting this configuration to True will require users to scan the item number of the inventory that is being picked. With this configuration set to False, users will be able to tap on the line item and the system will allow them to enter a quantity immediately. This configuration gets overridden by the "Picking Without Scan" configuration.
Require LP Scan When Staging
If this configuration is checked ON, users will be required to scan License Plates to stage them. If this configuration is checked OFF, users may scan or select License Plates from the list to stage them. This configuration can be overridden by the OrderType settings.
Restrict Staging Orders to Staging Bins
At the end of the Picking Process, users will be required to move the picked order to a Bin that has a staging Bin type. The default value is True.
Allow Reuse of Empty License Plates
If this configuration is turned on, users can reuse a License Plate that is active, empty, and not tied to an active order. The default value for this configuration is False/Off. It can be overridden at the OrderType level.
Picking Process
This configuration controls how much scanning is required when users pick items to orders.
SingleScan - The user only needs to scan BASIC items once. Once an item is scanned, the user can confirm the total quantity on the pick detail screen and tap OK.
MultiScan - The user needs to scan each individual item even if it is a BASIC item. If an item has a quantity of 10, the user needs to scan all 10 items.
MultiScanLotTracked - Similar to Multiscan, but the user can scan a core value such as a lot or serial number, instead of the item barcode.
Prompt for Quantity
If this configuration is turned on, the item quantities will be blank while picking the order, requiring the picker to enter the quantity they are picking. If this configuration is turned off, the quantity will automatically be the amount needed for the order, or the amount left in that bin (whichever is lower).
Post Pick Action
Prompt: Will give users the option to stage or ship the order immediately after picking.
Ship: Will direct the users to immediately ship the order and will include any printing prompts.
Stage: Will automatically send the order to a staging location.
Post Pick Action can be overridden at the OrderType level, then the Warehouse level.
Post Label Action
Prompt: Will give users the option to ship the order or keep it in the staging location after printing shipping documents in the Ship tile.
Ship: Will immediately ship the order after the prompts to print shipping documents in the Ship tile.
Stage: Will automatically keep the order in the staging location after the prompts to print shipping documents in the Ship tile. Using this option requires that orders be shipped out of the web console.
Post Label Action can be overridden at the OrderType level, then the Warehouse level. Note that if the configuration "Ship directly from Picking Tile" is on, and a user chooses to ship immediately after picking, the Post Label Action will be ignored since the user will not be taken to the Ship tile.
Post Waveset Action
AutoAllocation: The inventory picked for a Waveset will be automatically allocated against the child orders of the Waveset upon completion. This setting is most often used when picking multiple orders with similar items, shorting picks is rare, and there is no need for separation at the point of shipping. If the Waveset is short picked, child orders that are NEWEST to WithoutWire are shorted first when using auto allocation.
TwoStepPick: Once a Waveset is picked and staged, each child order will need to be picked as well. Most often used for either QA or pick and pack processes.
Auto Assign Child Orders for Wavesets
This requires the TwoStepPick configuration to be turned on. Once a Waveset has been picked, the child orders for that Waveset will be automatically assigned out to available pickers for completion.
Show Incomplete Lines Above Completed Lines
If this configuration is checked ON, unpicked lines will appear at the top of the list on the Pick Details screen, and picked lines move to the bottom of the list.
Refresh Pick Detail After Each Pick
If this configuration is checked ON, the mobile app will reload and update the Pick Detail list after each committed pick. Setting this configuration to OFF may improve system performance for rapid serial picking.
Require External Signature
This will require an external signature at the end of the picking process. It can be overridden at the OrderType level.
Require Internal Signature
This will require an internal signature at the end of the picking process. It can be overridden at the OrderType level.
Disable Pick List and Require Order Scan to Start Picking
When this setting is enabled, orders assigned to a user will not appear in the Picking Tile on the mobile device. Users will instead be required to scan the specific order number that they are picking to begin the process.
Allow Picking Unassigned Orders via Scan
This configuration allows users to scan into an order even when it is in "Unassigned" status. Scanning any unassigned order number from the main screen or in the Picking tile will assign the order to the user and open the Pick Detail screen. If the order is assigned to another user, scanning the order number will not change the assignment or allow a new user to take the order. If this configuration is off, orders must be assigned to a user via the web console before picking can begin.
Require External Signature at Shipping
This will require an external signature at the end of the shipping process. It can be overridden at the OrderType level.
Require Internal Signature at Shipping
This will require an internal signature at the end of the shipping process. It can be overridden at the OrderType level.
Allow Backordering When Shorting
When this configuration is on, a prompt to backorder will appear to users when they short an item on an order. If they select 'Yes', a backorder flag will be set to true in the database and will be sent to the integrated ERP, where backorders are handled. This configuration by itself does not create any backorders in WithoutWire. See configuration "Auto-create Backorder After Shipment".
Show Order Comments During Picking
If this configuration is set to True, then an icon will appear during the picking process. This icon can be tapped on to view additional information that has been associated with the order.
Show Item Comments During Picking
When this configuration is activated, an icon will appear on the Pick Order Detail screen that will show comments attached to the order.
Split Orders by Zone UOM and Available Inventory
If this configuration is checked ON, imported orders will be split into separate picking containers based on UOM Zones and available inventory. This splits the order into separate pick tasks that contain some of the lines of the overall order. This allows multiple users to pick towards the same order in separate locations of the site. This configuration can be overridden by the OrderType settings.
Require External Signature at Staging
Dictates whether to require an external signature while staging a pick request. This configuration can be overridden by the OrderType settings.
Require Internal Signature at Staging
Dictates whether to require the picker's signature while staging a pick request. This configuration can be overridden by the OrderType settings.
Shipping Settings
Require Box Size Selection for FedEx Shipping
When a user selects FedEx from the shipping tile, a prompt will appear to designate the size of the box used for shipping. This information will be required before the user is allowed to complete the shipping process.
FedEx Shipper Account Number
This configuration is used to store the FedEx Account Number for the company, which can be used during the Shipping Process.
Auto-create Backorder After Shipment
The configuration "Allow Backordering When Shorting" needs to be on for this configuration to take effect. When this configuration is on, items that are marked for backorder during picking will be added to a new order that is imported into WithoutWire after the original order is shipped. The backorder follows the format of "PreviouslyShippedOrderNumber-BO1". If any item on the backorder is shorted and added to a secondary backorder, the order number that will be imported will be "PreviouslyShippedOrderNumber-BO2", and so on.
Export Transfer Orders on Shipment
Upon the shipment for a transfer order, the system will automatically create a Purchase Order in the destination warehouse.
Retain License Plate When Shipping Transfers
If this configuration is set to True, this will cause the License Plates assigned to a Transfer Order to be carried over between the initial site and the destination site.
De-allocate Remaining Inventory at Shipment
If this configuration is ON, all inventory allocations that match an order number will be automatically set to unallocated when the order is shipped. The allocation set will also be made inactive. If this configuration is OFF, excess inventory will not be unallocated after the order is shipped.
Use an Intransit Location
If this configuration is checked ON, when transfer orders are shipped to another site and are not yet received at their destination, the order's location is "Intransit". The Intransit location's name can be configured. If this configuration is checked OFF, when transfer orders are shipped to another site, the inventory is shown at the destination site in the ERP whether or not it has been received yet.
Intransit Site Name
This configuration changes the name of the "Intransit" site.
Ship Directly From Picking Tile
This configuration allows users to ship orders directly from the picking tile without going through the steps of the ship tile. This configuration gets overridden by the order type configuration in Outbound -> Order Type Configuration.
Bypass Shipping and Receiving for Transfers
This configuration gets overridden by the Warehouse and OrderType "Use Direct Transfer" settings. If this configuration is ON, completed transfer orders do not create a transfer PO to be received at the destination. Instead, inventory goes directly to the destination's receiving bin.
Shipper Signature Requirement
This setting will cause a screen to appear on the mobile device at the end of the shipping process requiring a user to sign off on the order.
Require Tracking Number
This configuration will show a Tracking Number field during the shipping process that users will be required to fill in before completing the shipping process. Failing to do so will result in an error.
Prevent Mobile From Displaying Shipping Carrier
If this configuration is on, the shipping carrier screen will not display on the mobile device, and either the carrier on the order, or a default carrier will be used.
Prevent Mobile From Displaying Shipping Method
If this configuration is on, the shipping method screen will not display on the mobile device, and either the method on the order, or a default method will be used.
Require Box Size Selection for UPS Shipping
When a user selects UPS Shipping in the shipping tile, a prompt will appear with fields for box size. These will be required to be filled out before the shipping process can be completed.
Receiving Settings
Allow Edits to Autopopulated Lot Numbers
During the receiving process, orders can be set up to auto populate the Lot Numbers for Lot Tracked Items. This configuration will allow users to edit these Lot Numbers during the receiving process, if the need arises.
Default Put Away Quantity
This numerical value will automatically set the quantity value that is generated when a user chooses an item to put away in the Put Away tile. Setting this value to -1 will set the value to the maximum available quantity.
Put Away Destination Locations to Show
This configuration controls which locations are available for the user to use when putting away inventory in the Put Away and Directed Put Away tiles.
Primary Only: Only display the item's primary bin locations whether or not it contains inventory already.
Empty Only: Only display completely empty bins.
Primary or Not Empty: Display the item's primary bins or bins that contain inventory of that item already.
Primary or Empty: Display the item's primary bins or completely empty bins.
Enforce Put Away Destination
This configuration only applies to the "Directed Put Away" tile. If ON, the user must put away inventory into the designated bin. If OFF, the put away destination is treated as a suggestion and the user can put away inventory where they choose.
Require Bin Scan During Put Away
With this configuration set to True, users will be required to scan the Bin they are moving inventory to in the Put Away Tile on the Mobile App. This should also prevent them from simply tapping the Bin from the available list.
Show Bins on Put Away Screen
Turning this configuration on will allow users to see a list of Bins already containing the item they are attempting to put away on the Mobile App.
Allow Changing Receiving Location
If this configuration is checked ON, users can scan a different receiving bin to change their receiving location. The scanned bin must have the bin type "receiving". If checked OFF, users can only receive into the default receiving bin. This configuration gets overridden by a user's group, meaning if the group level allows for changing receiving location, a user can change location regardless of the configuration setting.
Autopopulate Core Values During Receiving
If this configuration is checked ON, DATE tracked items will autogenerate the expiration date of that item based on its shelf life when received. For LOT tracked items, the LOT number will autogenerate as the date it was received in MM/DD/YY format.
Number of Characters Required For Mobile PO Search
This will set the number of characters a user needs to type before the list will filter. Set this to -1 to disable filtering.
Allow Edits to Autopopulated Serial Numbers
When this configuration is turned on, this will automatically generate serial numbers on the receive item screen, and it will allow users to change this value.
Receiving Default Quantity
This will be the receiving qty displayed upon tapping an item on a PO. A default of -1 will have the qty field autofill to what was on the PO. This gets overridden by the PurchaseOrderType settings.
Autocreate Expiration Date Using Shelf Life
Using a preset shelf life, this configuration will automatically calculate the generated Expiration Date during the receipt of Date tracked items.
Auto Assign Purchase Orders
Turning this configuration on will cause all Purchase Orders to be automatically assigned to all users with Receiving access upon import.
Order Receiving List By
This configuration sets the column of the receiving table that will determine how the list gets ordered. The default value is "DateShipped". Other valid values are ShipmentNumber, PurchaseOrderID, PONumber, VendorName, VendorNumber, VendorID, PurchaseOrderTypeCode, StatusDescription, AllocationSetName.
Direction for Receiving Order By
Valid options are ASC for ascending order or DESC for descending order.
Max Number of Receipts Displayed
This configuration will limit the number of receipts that will appear on the Receive Item Detail Screen within the Mobile App. This limit is used to help keep the memory usage down and improve performance during receiving. Setting this to -1 will show all receipts.
Require Item Scans During Receiving
If this configuration is checked ON, users will have to scan each item on the PO to receive them. If this is checked OFF, users will be able to tap on the line on their mobile device and enter a quantity without scanning.
Allow Editing Quantities & Core Values in Receive Inventory Tile
Overridden by the PurchaseOrderType settings, then by the Warehouse settings, then by the User settings. If this configuration is turned off, users will not be able to change the quantity and core values for the items on the Inventory Request.
Allow Active LP Receipt in Receive Inventory
If this configuration is checked ON, scanning an LP allows you to bring the LP into your WIP bin, similar to a GET or MOVE. This configuration is used for field service.
Process Transfer as Standard Purchase Orders
Instead of creating a Transfer Order when an inventory request is made, the system will change the order to a Purchase Order instead. This can be overridden at the Warehouse level.
Prompt For Receiving Location
If this configuration is checked ON, the user will be required to scan a receiving bin location when completing lines on a PO. If checked OFF, the receiving bin will be defaulted to the first valid receiving location.
Require External Signature
At the end of the receiving process, an external signature will be required for the order before the receipt can be completed.
Require Internal Signature
At the end of the receiving process, the user will be required to sign before completing a receipt.
Retain LP When Receiving Transfers
If this configuration is on, inventory will remain on the license plate when being brought into the receiving bin. If this configuration is off, inventory will be disassociated with the license plate when brought into the receiving bin.
Use Directed Put Away During Receiving Move
If this configuration is checked ON, the "Directed Put Away" tile will get used instead of the legacy "Put Away" tile when choosing "options - move" during receiving.
Disable Purchase Order List and Require Scan to Start
Enabling this configuration will remove the list of available purchase orders assigned to a user in the Receiving Tile. Users will instead be required to scan a purchase order barcode to begin the receiving process.
Manufacturing Settings
Autopopulate Expiration Dates for Manufactured Goods Using Shelf Life
When Date Tracked Inventory is created during the Manufacturing process, it will automatically be assigned an expiration date based on the Item’s Shelf Life. The shelf life value is set when an item is imported into the system.
Reject LP Labels that Start With
This is a set of characters that will cause new License Plates to be rejected if the code starts with these characters.
Allow Web Console Manufacturing
If this configuration is turned ON, users with authority will be able to manufacture goods from the web console. This means a button to KIT will appear and allow the user to complete a MO from the web console.
Allow Web Console Manufacturing Adjustment
If this configuration is turned ON, users with authority will be able to make manufacturing adjustments from the web console, allowing the user to adjust scrap or excess out of the system.
Perform Only Internal Inventory Adjustments During Manufacturing
If this configuration is checked ON, inventory adjustments performed in the manufacturing console to adjust scrap or excess out of the system will not flow through integration.
Allow User to Enter Actual Quantity in Web Console Manufacturing
If this configuration is turned ON, the system will skip BOM validation and allow actual quantity manufactured to be entered. If checked OFF, the system will require the exact quantities on the BOM to be entered during manufacturing.
Show Black Box Warning During Manufacturing
If this configuration is checked ON, a prompt will notify the user that they are moving items to a black box bin and the items will be deleted from inventory.
Require User to Enter Actual Quantity in Web Console MFG For Each Creation
If this configuration is checked ON, the system will not autopopulate quantities on manufactured items and the user will have to enter the quantities used each time. If checked OFF, the system assumes you followed the BOM and does not require any quantity inputs.
Consume MFG Bin Inventory During Manufacturing
If this configuration is checked ON, when manufacturing is activated, everything in the manufacturing bin gets used as a component. If OFF, only the materials that are on the BOM will get used as a component.
Set Manufacturing Pick Order
This configuration controls whether or not to create a pick order after manufacturing order job creation.
Set MFG Completion Upon License Plate Activation or Via API (MFGExport)
Available Options for this configuration are: InventoryAdjustmentExport and MFGExport.
Field Service Settings
Track User Location
Turning on this configuration will allow users to view distances to the closest warehouse when performing a Main Screen Scan. This will require the user to allow for location tracking on their device’s main settings.
Validate Job During Consumption
If this configuration is ON, the job entered by the user in the "Consume Parts" tile will be validated against the jobs available in the environment. If no match is found, an error will occur.
Hide Adjustment Type Dropdown During Consumption
With this configuration, the Adjustment Type field in the Consumption Tile will be disabled. When a consumption action is performed, the default adjustment type is logged.
Hide Notes When Consuming Items
When turned on, this setting will prevent users from entering notes during consumption by hiding the notes field.
Require Job Selection from Dropdown
If enabled, this configuration requires the user to select an active job number in the system assigned to your user from the dropdown list during the consumption process.
Require Job Number During Consumption
If this configuration is checked ON, the job number field during the consumption process must be populated with either an active job number in the system assigned to your user from the dropdown list or a free form value.
Require External Signature During Consumption
As with other signature capture configurations, this will require an external signature to complete the consumption process.
Require Internal Signature During Consumption
Similar to Require External Signature, except for an internal signature.
Allow User to Unallocate Unused Materials at End of Consumption
If this configuration is checked ON, the user will be prompted to remove allocation from unconsumed materials at the end of consumption.
Limit Consumption to User WIP
If this configuration is activated, users will need to move the items they are attempting to consume into their WIP Bin before they can complete the process. Scanning a non WIP Bin or not having the proper inventory levels will throw an error.
Display Unit Attributes During Consumption
If an item has any custom attributes, these will be displayed when the item is scanned during the consumption process on the mobile app. These attributes can be set on the Web Console.
Validate Units During Consumption
When an item is stored with multiple Units of Measure, this setting will perform a check to verify that the user is requesting the correct UOM for an item during the consumption process.
Allow Users to Create Inventory in the Field
This configuration allows for positive inventory adjustments while in the field by using the "Manage Parts and Supplies" tile. Useful when utilizing field service. The transaction type for this action is "Adjustment".
Order Main Screen Scan Inventory Results by Location Proximity
This setting will require the Track User Location configuration to be turned on. Activating this configuration will list the scanned inventory by distance to the user.
Relocate Manage Parts & Supplies Type Field Above Item
This configuration swaps the location of a field in the Manage Parts tile on the mobile device.
Limit Manage Parts & Supplies to Adjusting from User WIP
Similar to the Limit Consumption to User WIP configuration, this will require the necessary item to exist in the user’s WIP Bin before they are allowed to perform any action in the Manage Parts and Supplies Tile.
Show Manage Parts & Supplies Summary Screen
If this configuration is turned ON, a summary screen will display in "Manage Parts and Supplies" before a transaction is committed.
Swap the Job and Type Fields During Consumption
Setting this configuration to True will change the order of the Job and Consumption Type Fields within the Consumption Tile.
Allow Adding Lines to Field Service Jobs
If this configuration is turned ON, users will be allowed to add new lines to field service jobs from the MS Field Service mobile app.
Allow Changing Consumption Quantities on Field Service Jobs
If this configuration is turned ON, users will be allowed to change the quantity to consume when processing a job from the MS Field Service mobile app.
Allow Editing Line Quantities on Field Service Jobs
If this configuration is turned ON, users will be allowed to edit the quantity ordered on field service jobs from the MS Field Service mobile app.
Miscellaneous Settings
Enable Support Chat
This configuration enables users to have a direct chat with our support staff via the hamburger menu.
Client Key
This is the client's API Key for authentication when calling APIs.
Power BI Default Report
This configuration sets what report will display upon initial login to the web console, or when you click the Home tab of the web console.
Enable Setting User Allocation Context
If this configuration is turned ON, a filter button will appear at the top of the main screen in the mobile app that takes users to a page where they can select an allocation set. After selecting an allocation set, users will only be shown inventory/orders associated with that allocation set. This can be overridden by Group settings.
Mobile Timeout in Minutes (0 for unlimited)
This numerical value will state how long the user can remain idle before being logged out of the Mobile App.
Offline Mode Enabled
If this configuration is checked ON, offline mode will be enabled for the Get, Put, and Move tiles. Transactions done while offline will sync to the database once connected back online.
Persist Login
This can be overridden at the Warehouse level, then the Group level, then the User level. When turned on, this will allow users to close and reopen the application without having to reenter their login credentials.
Disable Web Console Bin Creation
When this configuration is active, the Bin creation portion of the Bin Maintenance on the Web Console will be disabled.
Allow Cross Site Lookups During Main Screen Scan
If enabled, this will allow users to view inventory in all system warehouses by performing a Main Screen Scan.
Autocomplete Length During Web Console Item Search
This number will set the minimum number of characters needed to start suggesting existing Item Numbers on the Web Console.
Autocomplete Length During Web Console Core Value Search
This number will set the minimum number of characters needed to start suggesting existing Core Values on the Web Console.
Autocomplete Length During Web Console License Plate Search
This number will set the minimum number of characters needed to start suggesting existing License Plates on the Web Console.
Autocomplete Length During Web Console Order Search
This number will set the minimum number of characters needed to start suggesting existing Outbound Orders on the Web Console.
Autocomplete Length During Web Console PO Search
This number will set the minimum number of characters needed to start suggesting existing Purchase Orders on the Web Console.
Autocomplete Length During Web Console Warehouse Search
This number will set the minimum number of characters needed to start suggesting existing Warehouses on the Web Console.
Disallow Creating New Items During Order Import
If this configuration is checked ON, unknown item numbers provided during order import will result in an error instead of creating the item.
Disallow Creating New Items During Purchase Order Import
If this configuration is checked ON, unknown item numbers provided during purchase order import will result in an error instead of creating the item.
Date Format
For users that plan on tracking inventory with Expiration Dates, WithoutWire allows these users to further customize how they can capture these dates with a variety of formats:
Standard Date: Standard Standard date refers to the International Organization for Standardization formats, which include but are not limited to M/D/YY, MM/DD/YY, MM/DD/YYYY, M-D-YY, MM-DD-YY, MM-DD-YYYY…
Julian Date: Integer value assigned to a whole solar day from the beginning of the Julian Calendar which began January 1, 4713 BCE.
GS1 Date: With this setting, the user will be able to capture the date once scanned from a GS1 barcode.
MMDDYY: Non-standardized date that is formatted as MMDDYY.
MMDDYYYY: Non-standardized date that is formatted as MMDDYYYY.