Attribute Maintenance
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Attribute Maintenance

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Attribute Maintenance

The Attribute Maintenance page (System Maintenance -> Attribute Maintenance) on the web console is used for the configuration and maintenance of all attributes.  Below you will find information regarding the different attribute types and specific use cases on when to use them.  

Attribute Overview

Attributes allow customers to extend their data collection activities to include fields that are beyond the standard.  Attributes can be captured in two main categories of item/inventory attributes or transactional attributes.  Users are able to select from seven different data types to capture their attribute.  Attributes may be configured to be required or optional as well as locked/unlocked.  Additionally, users may provide default values for all applicable data type attributes.

Item/Inventory Attributes 

Item Attributes: These attributes allow for a single data point to be stored across all inventory records for a given item number.  These are best used when there is no variation in the data point across inventory records of the same item.  Example: An image which displays what the item number looks like regardless of any specific variation between inventory records such as packaging.  

Basic Attributes:  These attributes can be set up globally for all items of item type BASIC or they can be configured for specific BASIC items.  Users will be prompted to capture these during creation of the inventory for the item.  This includes receiving, adjustments, and manufacturing.

Lot Attributes:  These attributes can be set up globally for all items of item type LOT or they can be configured for specific LOT items.  Users will be prompted to capture these during creation of the inventory for the item.  This includes receiving, adjustments, and manufacturing. 

Serial Attributes:  These attributes can be set up globally for all items of item type SERIAL or they can be configured for specific SERIAL items.  Users will be prompted to capture these during creation of the inventory for the item.  This includes receiving, adjustments, and manufacturing. 

Date Attributes:  These attributes can be set up globally for all items of item type DATE or they can be configured for specific DATE items.  Users will be prompted to capture these during creation of the inventory for the item.  This includes receiving, adjustments, and manufacturing. 

License Plate Attributes:  These attributes are tied to a specific license plate which may contain multiple items.  Users may modify or enter these attributes using a main screen scan or the "LP Operations" tile on their mobile device.  

Transactional Attributes 

Purchase Order Attributes:  These attributes are tied to the header of a purchase order.  User will capture these when they mark the purchase order as complete on the mobile device.  These are similar to the internal and external signature capture for purchase orders.  

Receipt Attributes:  These attributes are tied to the receipt level within a line item on a purchase order.  Receipt attributes are not attached to the item past the completion of a purchase order.  For example, if a user is receiving multiple lots for one item and would like to track the temperature of the item at the time of receipt, they would do so with a receipt attribute.  

Damage Attributes:  These attributes allow for users to capture specific data fields in the event of damaging products during receiving.  Users will only be prompted to capture these attributes when using the damage button directly from the "Receiving" tile on mobile.  This attribute is directly tied to the receipt record on the PO.

Order Attributes:   These attributes are only tracked on the order table in the backend of the system.  They allow for companies to pass in additional order details such as marketing plans and discounts.  These are currently only available utilizing the WithoutWire order import API.   

Data Types

         Boolean: Checkbox for a true/false.

         Date: Selection of a calendar date.

         Decimal: Allows numeric value with decimal places.

         Expiration Date: Selection of calendar date in the future.  These can be auto populated by an item shelf-life value.  

         Image: Allows for real time image capture or access of stored images to attach to an object.  

         Integer: Allows whole numeric values.  

         String: Allows alphabetical and/or numeric values.