Warehouse to Warehouse Site Transfers
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Warehouse to Warehouse Site Transfers

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Warehouse to Warehouse Site Transfers



WithoutWire provides multiple options when it comes to Transfer Orders. Below, we will discuss how to set up Transfer Orders and what options you have.




Importing Transfer Orders


WithoutWire uses the Document Type to differentiate a Transfer Order from a Sales Order. Once you have chosen which Document Type you will use to indicate the order is a Transfer Order, communicate that information to your contact at WithoutWire Support. Remember to let us know if the Document Type you specified is an invoice or an order. In WithoutWire there is no difference. However, we do need to know which type it is so that we can accurately set up the export processes.


One of the complications with using Transfer Orders is what do we do with the original order? Because we will export Inventory Transfers, we cannot fulfill the order, otherwise, inventory will be decremented twice. For this reason, we provide the following options for disposing of the original order:


Delete Order / Invoice

Void Order / Invoice


WithoutWire will also need to know where you want to transfer the inventory when the Order is shipped. WithoutWire refers to this value as the “To Warehouse” on the Transfer Order. Enter the name of the “To Warehouse” in the Customer PO Number field in the Sales Order.


Once you’ve determined which Document Type will indicate a Transfer Order and keyed an order where the “To Warehouse” is indicated by the Customer PO Number, you’re ready to begin importing Transfer Orders.




Exporting Transfer Orders


Do you want to use In-Transit Sites? The first decision you need to make is will you be using In-Transit sites? An In-Transit site acts as an inventory location for a truck or shipping container. Using In-Transit sites includes more overhead but also provides more real-time data.


If you would like to use In-Transit sites with Transfer Orders in WithoutWire:


Create a site in your ERP system to act as the In-Transit location.


Communicate to your WithoutWire contact that you would like to use In-Transit sites and the name of the In-Transit site you’ve created.


When should we export the data? (Must be using In-Transit sites.) If you chose to use an In-Transit site, you will need to receive the transferred inventory into your “To Warehouse”. WithoutWire can export the Inventory Transfers when the Transfer Order is shipped or when the Purchase Order is received. Let your WithoutWire representative know which option works best for you.


Using Direct Transfer? (Direct Transfer cannot be used in combination with In-Transit Sites.) Direct Transfer is a configuration in WithoutWire that allows clients to choose between receiving a Transfer Purchase Order or directly transferring inventory from site to site. If you need to ensure that the inventory that was sent from your “From Warehouse” does in fact, make it to your “To Warehouse” you may want to disable Direct Transfer and opt to receive a Transfer Purchase Order.


When using Direct Transfer, the Transfer Order is picked in the “From Warehouse” and shipped. At this point, WithoutWire will automatically transfer the inventory from one warehouse to the other and the Integration will create an Inventory Transfers from the “From Warehouse” to the “To Warehouse” for each item that was picked on the order.


If you are using Direct Transfer, do you want to Persist LPs? If you’re not familiar with License Plates in WithoutWire check out our License Plates Overview. When using Direct Transfer, inventory will be moved directly from your “From Warehouse” into your “To Warehouse”. Usually, the inventory is placed directly in the receiving Bin of your “To Warehouse.” However, it can be placed in the receiving Bin, on the original LPs from the “From Warehouse.” This allows you to use Bin Transfers to put away the inventory more efficiently and reduces any need to re-label the Bins.