Vendor Upload
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Vendor Upload

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Vendor Upload



The Vendor Upload document contains the following columns:


Vendor Number – Required – *Key


Name – Required


City – Required


State – Required


Zip – Required


Address Field 1 – Required


Address Field 2 – Optional


Receive Percent Over – Optional


Receive Percent Over – Optional



The Vendor Number field is the Key in a vendor upload. You can reference an existing vendor with the key and update the following fields:


Vendor Number


Vendor Number is a required field in the Vendor Upload excel file. The WithoutWire program uses the Vendor Number to uniquely identify each vendor in WithoutWire.






Vendor Name is a required field in the Vendor Upload excel file.






City is a required field in the Vendor Upload excel file. City refers to the physical location where this vendor is found.






State is a required field in the Vendor Upload excel file. State refers to the physical state or province where this vendor is located.






Zip is a required field in the Vendor Upload excel file. Zip refers to the 5 digit Zip-Code describing the vendor's location.




Address Field 1


Address Field 1 is a required field in the Vendor Upload excel file. Address Field 1 refers to the street address of the vendor's location.




Address Field 2


Address Field 2 is an optional field in the Vendor Upload excel file. Address Field 2 refers to a secondary street address for the vendor's location. If left blank, this value defaults to nothing.




Receive Percent Over


Receive Percent Over is an optional field in the Vendor Upload excel file. Purchase Orders in WithoutWire are associated with Vendors. “The Receive Percent Over” value dictates the percentage of over-receiving that is allowed by the Vendor. -1 indicates unlimited over-receiving. If left blank, this value defaults to -1.




Receiving Type


Receiving type tells the system whether the Purchase Order Is a standard PO or an Advanced Ship Notice (ASN).