- 6 Minutes to read
Sales Order Import
- 6 Minutes to read
Sales Order Import
A sales order in WithoutWire represents an object that can be picked and shipped to a customer.
Request Header
Accept: application/json
Authorization: <ClientKey>
Host: withoutwire.com
PUT https://api.withoutwire.com/integration/salesorder
Accept: application/json
Authorization: <ClientKey>
Content-Type: application/json
Host: api.withoutwire.com
Content-Length: 103
Expect: 100-continue
Connection: Keep-Alive
Request Body: Sales Order Object
"WarehouseName": "", //Required - Character limit 100
"CustomerPONumber": "", //Optional - Default to OrderNumber when empty - Character limit 50
"VendorShipmentNumber": "", //Optional - Character limit 50
"OrderNumber": "", //Required - Character limit 50
"Customer": { //All fields in customer object are optional except for CustomerNumber
"CustomerName": "",
"CustomerAddress1": "",
"CustomerAddress2": "",
"CustomerCity": "",
"CustomerState": "",
"CustomerZipCode": "",
"CustomerCountry": "",
"CustomerShortDesc": "",
"CustomerNumber": "", //Required - Character limit 50
"UpcManufacturerNumber": "",
"CustomerPhone": "",
"TestInd": "",
"ConsiderDepartment": "",
"ConsiderDepartmentWhenPicking": "",
"CustomerShipTo": "",
"Gs1CompanyNumber": "",
"StartingContainer": "",
"EdiIndicator": "",
"CustomerClass": "",
"NotificationEmail": "",
"RequiredShelfLife": "",
"CustomerShippingAddresses": [ //All fields in CustomerShippingAddresses are optional except CustomerShipTo
"CustomerShipName": "",
"CustomerShipAttn": "",
"CustomerShipAddress1": "",
"CustomerShipAddress2": "",
"CustomerShipCity": "",
"CustomerShipState": "",
"CustomerShipZipCode": "",
"CustomerShipZip5": "",
"CustomerShipPhone": "",
"CustomerShipFax": "",
"CustomerShipCountry": "",
"CustomerShipTo": "" //Required - Must match customer record if new - Character limit 50
"RouteDescription": "", //Optional
"DeliveryDate": "", //Optional
"OrderComment": "", //Optional - Character limit 1000
"DestinationWarehouseName": "", //Optional - Required if OrderType is TR (Transfer)
"RouteNumber": "", //Read only - Filled in at export
"ShipDate": "", //Read only - Filled in at export
"DateCreated": "", //Read only - Filled in at export
"LineItems": [
"LineNumber": "", //Required - Must be unique for the collection and greater than 0
"ComponentSequence": "", //Optional - Will default to 0
"ItemNumber": "", //Required - Character limit 50
"CoreItemType": "", //Optional unless item is new, then must be BASIC, SERIAL, LOT, or DATE
"QuantityOrdered": "", //Required - Must be greater than 0
"UomType": {
"UomDesc": "", //Required - Character limit 50
"SignificantDigits": "", //Optional - Will default to 0 if UOM is new and not provided
"BaseConversionFactor": "" //Optional - Will default to 1 if UOM is new and not provided - Cannot be 0
"LineItemComment": "", //Optional - Character limit 1000
"ItemDescription": "", //Optional - Will default to ItemNumber - Character limit 100
"WarehouseName": "", //Optional
"AllocationSetName": "", //Optional
"InventoryRequestTaskID": "" //Optional
"LoadDate": "", //Read only - filled in at export
"PrintDate": "", //Read only - filled in at export
"ExportDate": "", //Read only - filled in at export
"ParentOrderNumber": "", //Optional - Must be a valid order number
"TrackingNumber": "", //Read only - filled in at export
"ShippingMethodName": "", //Optional - Character limit 50
"ShippingWeight": "", //Read only - filled in at export
"ShippingCost": "", //Read only - filled in at export
"UseOrderLevelShipping": "", //Optional - Will default to False, will override to True if OrderNumber equals CustomerShipTo
"AllocationSetName": "", //Optional
"PickingPriority": "", //Optional - Will default to 0
"RoutePickingPriority": "", //Optional
"DestinationZoneID": "", //Only used with move orders
"UserName": "" //Only used with move orders
Response Body: Import Response Object