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The Return function is used when parts need to be returned from a field service Job back into warehouse inventory.


Begin by tapping the Returns Icon from the Main Menu. Tapping the “<“ icon in the upper left corner will return the user to the main menu.


The first screen prompts for the user to enter or scan one of the following:


A License Plate

An Item or Item/Lot combo Barcode

A Job Number


The next screen prompts for the rest of the return information needed to complete the return. This includes the Lot number/serial number/expiration date (if applicable), UOM (unit of measure), quantity, reason code, and any notes.


Tap the OK button to return the Item.

This next screen shows all the Items on the return. Tapping the Add Parts button will allow more Items to be added to the return. Use the same process as above.

Tapping the OK button will complete the return, ship the order, and create a PO in the main warehouse to receive the returned product into inventory.


If you entered the License Plate, Item, or Job, instead of scanning, you will have to tap the OK button to continue.