Purchase Order Upload
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Purchase Order Upload

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Purchase Order Upload 



Purchase Order Upload Template

Download Purchase Order Upload Template

The Purchase Order Upload document contains the following columns:


Warehouse Name – Required


Purchase Order Number – Required


Purchase Order Type – Required


Vendor Number – Required


Vendor Name – Required


Line Number – Required


Item Number – Required


Item Type – Required


Quantity Ordered – Required


UOM Desc. – Required


Order Date – Optional


Scheduled Delivery date – Optional


Purchase Order Comments – Optional


Purchase Order Allocation Set Name – Optional


Base Conversion Factor – Optional


Significant Digits – Optional


Line Item Comments – Optional


Line Item Allocation Set Name – Optional




Warehouse Name

Warehouse Name is a required field in the Purchase Order Upload Excel file. The WithoutWire program uses the value in the Warehouse Name field to determine which warehouse to import the Purchase Order into.




Purchase Order Number


Purchase Order Number is a required field in the Purchase Order Upload Excel file. This value represents the number of the order you are uploading.




Purchase Order Type


In WithoutWire, Purchase Orders have types. Each Purchase Order Type has a specific use in the system.




Vendor Number


Vendor Number is what will be imported into WithoutWire as a vendor's identification.  If the vendor number does not exist, the import process will create the vendor record.




Vendor Name


Vendor Name is what will be imported into WithoutWire as a vendor's identification.  If the vendor name does not exist, the import process will create the vendor record.




Line Number


This represents the line number of this particular line on this order.




Item Number

Item Number is the item that is going to be imported into WithoutWire.




Item Type


The tracking type to be used for the item. Basic indicates there is no special tracking.




Quantity Ordered


This column represents the quantity ordered on this line of the Purchase Order,




UOM Description


Represents the Unit of Measure for this line of the Purchase order.




Order Date


Represents the order date of the Purchase Order to be imported. Defaulted to the import date if your value is provided.




Scheduled Delivery Date


represents the scheduled Delivery date of the Purchase Order to be imported. Defaulted to import date if no value is provided.




Purchase Order Comments


The Purchase Order comment is a note for this purchase order. The default value is blank.




Purchase Order Allocation Set Name


The Purchase Order allocation set name will reserve incoming product for a particular owner at a header level on the Purchase Order. 




Base Conversion Factor


This represents a multiplier used to calculate the difference between the Base Unit of Measure quantity and the Unit of Measure specified in column “j.”




Significant Digits


Represents the number of significant digits to display in WithoutWire. The default value is 0.




Line Item Comments


The Line Item Comment is a note for this line item. The default value is blank.




Line Item Allocation Set Name


The Purchase Order line item allocation set name will reserve incoming product for a particular owner at a line level on the Purchase Order.