- 5 Minutes to read
Purchase Order Object
- 5 Minutes to read
Purchase Order Object
Description: The name of the warehouse where the purchase order exists.
Data Type: String
Data Length: 100
Required: Yes
Description: A unique number in the warehouse to identify the purchase order.
Data Type: String
Data Length: 50
Required: Yes
Description: The date purchase order was made.
Data Type: DateTime
Value: 0001-01-01T00:00:00
Required: Yes
Description: The date the product is scheduled to arrive at the warehouse.
Data Type: DateTime
Value: 0001-01-01T00:00:00
Required: Yes
Description: A reference to an existing Vendor in WithoutWire.
Data Type: String
Data Length: 50
Required: Yes
Note: If the VendorNumber does not exist in WithoutWire, the VendorNumber, VendorName, and ReceivingPercentOver fields will be used to create a new Vendor with default values.
Description: The name of the vendor supplying the product.
Data Type: String
Data Length: 50
Required: Yes
Note: If the VendorNumber above does not exist in WithoutWire, provide the VendorName and the ReceivingPercentOver to create the vendor with default data.
Description: The percentage of over-receiving that is allowed for this vendor.
Valid Ranges: -1 to 100. (-1 value allows for unlimited over receiving for the vendor).
Data Type: Int
Required: Yes
Note: If the VendorNumber above does not exist in WithoutWire, provide the VendorName and the ReceivingPercentOver to create the vendor with default data.
Description: The purchase order type for a specific purchase order.
Data Type: Number
Required: Yes
Valid Values:
1 or PO - (Purchase Order)
2 or AC - (Auto Complete)
3 or BLKT - (Blanket)
4 or TR - (Transfer)
5 or RET - (Return)
6 or ASN - (ASN)
Description: A list of comments to be associated with the Purchase Order.
Data Type: String
Data Length: 1000
Required: No
Description: The date the purchase order was completed.
Data Type: DateTime
Value: 0001-01-01T00:00:00
Note: Read Only—CompletedDate is filled in by WithoutWire when the Purchase Order is completed. Pass a null value.
Description: The date the purchase order exported.
Data Type: DateTime
Value: 0001-01-01T00:00:00
Note: Updated upon each successive export. Read Only—ExportedDate is filled in by WithoutWire when the purchase order imports. Pass as a null value.
Description: The date the purchase order was created.
Data Type: DateTime
Value: 0001-01-01T00:00:00
Note: Filled in upon import. Read Only—DateCreated is filled in by WithoutWire when the purchase order imports. Pass a null value.
Description: A Boolean value which indicates whether the purchase order receiving assignment was manually modified by.
Data Type: Boolean
Values: true, false
Note: Read Only—AssignmentManuallyModified is filled in by WithoutWire when an assignment is modified by the system. Pass in as false.
Description: A Boolean value that indicates whether the purchase order was received through the WithoutWire website.
Data Type: Boolean
Values: true, false
Note: Read Only—WebReceipt is filled in by WithoutWire during the receiving process. Pass in as false.
Description: Indicates the warehouse where the product was shipped from on a transfer order.
Data Type: String
Data Length: 100
Note: Read Only—This field is set by the WithoutWire system on transfer orders.
Description: A unique identifier for the purchase order that can be used for updates.
Data Type: Int
Note: Read only
Description: The status of the overall purchase order.
Data Type: String
Note: Read only
Values: New, Unassigned, Waiting for Receipt, Receiving in Process, Receiving Complete, Exporting in Process, Export Complete, Completed.
Description: The name of the allocation set to associate the order with.
Data Type: String
Required: No
Description: A collection of purchase order line objects to be associated with a purchase order. Receipts are found within the purchase order line object.
When using the GET request to view purchase orders:
"WarehouseName": "Warehouse",
"PurchaseOrderNumber": "ExamplePO002",
"OrderDate": "9/21/201612:00:00AM",
"SchedDeliveryDate": "9/21/201612:00:00AM",
"VendorNumber": "103",
"VendorName": "ExampleVendor001",
"ReceivingPercentOver": null,
"PurchaseOrderType": 1,
"PurchaseOrderComments": [],
"CompletedDate": null,
"ExportedDate": null,
"DateCreated": "2016-08-22T00:00:00",
"AssignmentManuallyModified": false,
"WebReceipt": false,
"FromWarehouse": "",
"Identity": 52,
"Status": "Receiving in Process",
"AllocationSetName": "",
"LineItems": [
"LineNumber": 1,
"ItemNumber": "ItemExample1",
"CoreItemType": "Basic",
"QuantityOrdered": 150.0,
"UomDesc": "EA",
"BaseConversionFactor": 1.0,
"SignificantDigits": 0,
"LineItemComments": [],
"Receipts": [
"QuantityReceived": 100,
"QuantityMissing": 0,
"QuantityDamaged": 0,
"CoreValue": "",
"DateReceived": "2016-08-22T12:46:32",
"Identity": 63,
"Status": "Receiving in Process",
"LineNumber": 1,
"AllocationSetName": "",
"InventoryRequestTaskID": null
When using the PUT request to import a purchase order:
"WarehouseName": "", //Required - Character limit 100
"PurchaseOrderNumber": "", //Required - Character limit 50
"OrderDate": "", //Required
"SchedDeliveryDate": "", //Required
"VendorNumber": "", //Required - Character limit 50
"VendorName": "", //Optional - will autofill if blank
"ReceivingPercentOver": "", //Optional
"PurchaseOrderType": "", //Required - PO, ASN, TR, AC, BLKT, or RET
"PurchaseOrderComments": [""], //Optional - Character limit 1000
"FromWarehouse": "", //Optional
"AllocationSetName": "", //Optional
"LineItems": [
"LineNumber": "", //Required - Must be greater than 0
"ItemNumber": "", //Required - Character limit 50
"CoreItemType": "", //Optional - BASIC, SERIAL, DATE, LOT
"QuantityOrdered": "", //Required - Must be greater than 0
"UomDesc": "", //Required
"BaseConversionFactor": "", //Required if new UOM - Cannot be 0
"LineItemComments": [""] //Optional - Character limit 1000