Picking on iOS and Android Devices
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Picking on iOS and Android Devices

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Article summary

Picking on iOS and Android Devices



The Picking function is very versatile in the ways it can be used. Depending on where the process was accessed from, and the order in which scans occur, the process will change slightly to fit the needs of the user.


When accessing picking by tapping the Picking Icon the user will be prompted with a list of all assigned pickable orders. The user can then select an order by tapping or scanning the order number. Tapping the “<“ icon in the upper left corner will return the user to the main menu. If the Picking function was accessed via a method other than tapping its icon, i.e. scanning an Order Number from the Main Menu, the user will be shown the pick details for that specific order.

At this point, the user can start picking a line by doing one of the following:


Scan an Item/Lot Barcode. If the Item is Lot tracked.


Scan just the Item Barcode.


Scan the serial number or expiration date if applicable for non-basic Items.


Scan the location where the Item resides: A Bin or LP.


From the Item detail screen, you cannot create a new LP with the configuration checked for requiring picking License Plates. Only from the Item list can a user create a new LP by simply scanning a new Barcode with the appropriate prefix. 


The system can require the user to scan the Item (and Lot number/serial/expiration date if applicable) and location. If the user begins by scanning the location, the system can prompt for Item information. Conversely, if the user scans an Item/Lot, the system will prompt for Location. 


Not all information has to be scanned. For some information, (such as Lot number/serial/expiration date) the date can be hand keyed.


After the Item (and additional required fields) and location are entered, the user can confirm the quantity by clicking OK. The system can be configured to require the user to enter the quantity being picked using the keypad. 

Once all the necessary pick details have been scanned or entered, the user can tap the OK button to commit the pick record, the Cancel button to cancel the pick record, or the Options button to bring up an options menu to select from. 




Completing an Order


After all the lines have been picked, the OK button will become active. Tapping this button will initiate the completion of the current order, which could involve staging or shipping the order. Tap OK to complete the order.

Depending on how your system is configured, one of the following actions will occur:


Auto-Stage: The user will be brought to the move screen to stage the order to a staging bin location.


Auto-ship: The user will be automatically brought into the "Ship" tile where they are prompted to choose a shipping carrier/method and print any optional documents. After completing the shipment, the user's screen will automatically return to the "Picking" tile.  If the configuration "Ship Directly from the Picking Tile" is on, the order will be automatically shipped and completed in the system, with no prompts to the user.


Prompt: A prompt will appear asking the user if they would like to Ship the Order. By selecting Yes, the user is agreeing to ship. By selecting No, the user will be prompted with the move screen to stage the order to a staging Bin location. 


Options: The options menu can be accessed by tapping on the Options button at the bottom of the screen when viewing or editing a pick record.




Print Labels – 


This allows the user to print a product label for the currently selected pick record.



Get Next Location – 


This toggles the displayed location between the two oldest FIFO Bin Locations.



Undo – 


This allows the previous action to be undone, removing the last quantity that was picked.



Short – 


This allows the user to short an Item if there are no more locations containing this Item.



Add Line – 


This allows the user to pick multiple core values (lots or expiration dates) to an order.



UOM – 


If an Item has multiple units of measure, this option can be used to pick an alternative unit of measure. For example, Pallet vs Case.



Live Support – 


This allows the user to contact a member of the WithoutWire support team to answer questions or submit a case.




Picking Logic


If the user scans the Item first when starting to pick, the system will attempt to pick that Item from the Bin displayed on the screen or an LP within that Bin. If the item exists in more than one location in that bin (multiple LP’s etc.) then the user will be forced to scan the bin or LP as well.


If the user scans a Bin/LP first, the system checks to see if there are any Items on the order existing in that location. If only one match is found it is assumed that is the item you want to pick and the system will pick it for you. If there is more than one Item for the order in that location the user will be prompted to scan the Item or Item/Lot Barcode as well.


If the user decides not to pick from the originally suggested location, they can always use the Get Next Location function within the Options button. This will send the user to the next location where the Item is stored to pick the Item. At this point they could scan the item, and the system would remove it from the new Bin displayed on the screen.




Configurations and Other Functions


There are many workflows that can be used when picking in WithoutWire. All picking configurations are exposed and available on the WithoutWire Web Console. You can find more information and details on how these configurations affect the picking workflow on the Configuration Settings page of the Knowledgebase.