- 9 Minutes to read
Order Object
- 9 Minutes to read
Order Object
Description: The warehouse name for the order.
Data Type: String
Data Length: 100
Required: Yes
Description: The customer’s PO Number for the order.
Data Type: String
Data Length: 50
Note: Can default to an empty string.
Description: The vendors shipping number.
Data Type: String
Data Length: 50
Note: Can default to an empty string.
Description: A unique alphanumeric value to identify this order in the warehouse.
Data Type: String
Data Length: 50
Required: Yes
Description: A value representing the order type.
Required: Yes
Valid Values:
1 or SO - (Sales Order)
2 or CR - (Credit Order)
3 or TR - (Transfer)
4 or NS - (No Split Order)
5 or WS - (Wave Set)
6 or JOB - (Job)
7 or MFG - (Manufacturing Order)
8 or CO - (Consumption)
9 or CSM - (Cross Site Move)
10 or MOV - (Move Order)
Description: The description of the route.
Data Type: String
Data Length: 50
Note: Can be defaulted to an empty string.
Description: The date on which the order will be delivered.
Data Type: Date
Note: If an empty string then dates will be set to the imported date.
Description: The comments to be associated with the order.
Data Type: String
Note: Can be defaulted to an empty string.
Description: The end destination warehouse the order will go to.
Data Type: String
Data Length: 100
Required: Yes, if order type is Transfer.
Description: A value that references an existing route in WithoutWire.
Data Type: Number
Note: If this value is not provided a default will be used, if the route provided does not exist it will be created with default values.
Description: The date on which the order will be shipped.
Data Type: Date
Note: If an empty string then date will be set to the imported date.
Description: The date the order was created.
Data Type: Date
Note: If an empty string then date will be set to the imported date.
Description: The date the order was loaded.
Data Type: Date
Note: Can default to 0001-01-01T00:00:00.
Description: The date the order was printed.
Data Type: Date
Note: Can default to 0001-01-01T00:00:00.
Description: The date the order was exported.
Data Type: Date
Note: Can default to 0001-01-01T00:00:00.
Description: The number of the parent order must exist in the warehouse already.
Data Type: String
Required: No
Description: The shipping carrier tracking number.
Data Type: String
Note: Export Only
Description: The value that will uniquely identify the carrier and carrier shipping method.
Data Type: String
Data Length: 50
Required: No
Description: The total weight of shipment for the order.
Data Type: Decimal
Note: Export Only
Description: The total cost of the shipment for the order.
Data Type: Decimal
Note: Export Only
Description: If true, the order will use the address information provided in the customer object (not the shipping address array) on the respective order, ignoring the customer's preset address.
Data Type: Boolean
Required: No, will default to false.
Description: The name of the allocation set for the order.
Data Type: String
Required: No
Description: Designates how far up the pick list this order will display.
Data Type: Int
Required: No, will default to 0.
Description: Similar to PickingPriority, this designates how far up the pick list the order will display. Whether the default picking priority, or route priority gets used depends on the configuration in Outbound -> Order Priority Configuration.
Data Type: Int
Required: No, will default to 0.
Description: The identifier for the destination zone. This is only used with Move Orders.
Data Type: Int
Required: No, unless its a Move Order.
Description: The user that submitted the order.
Data Type: String
Required: No, only used with Move Orders.
Description: The customer information.
Data Type: Object
Note: See Customer Object page
Description: The items in the order to be picked
Data Type: Array
Note: See Line Item Object page
"WarehouseName": "", //Required - Character limit 100
"CustomerPONumber": "", //Optional - Default to OrderNumber when empty - Character limit 50
"VendorShipmentNumber": "", //Optional - Character limit 50
"OrderNumber": "", //Required - Character limit 50
"OrderType": "", //SO, TR, MFG, CR, JOB - Optional will default to SO
"Customer": { //All fields in customer object are optional except for CustomerNumber
"CustomerName": "",
"CustomerAddress1": "",
"CustomerAddress2": "",
"CustomerCity": "",
"CustomerState": "",
"CustomerZipCode": "",
"CustomerCountry": "",
"CustomerShortDesc": "",
"CustomerNumber": "", //Required - Character limit 50
"UpcManufacturerNumber": "",
"CustomerPhone": "",
"TestInd": "",
"ConsiderDepartment": "",
"ConsiderDepartmentWhenPicking": "",
"CustomerShipTo": "",
"Gs1CompanyNumber": "",
"StartingContainer": "",
"EdiIndicator": "",
"CustomerClass": "",
"NotificationEmail": "",
"RequiredShelfLife": "",
"CustomerShippingAddresses": [ //All fields in CustomerShippingAddresses are optional except CustomerShipTo
"CustomerShipName": "",
"CustomerShipAttn": "",
"CustomerShipAddress1": "",
"CustomerShipAddress2": "",
"CustomerShipCity": "",
"CustomerShipState": "",
"CustomerShipZipCode": "",
"CustomerShipZip5": "",
"CustomerShipPhone": "",
"CustomerShipFax": "",
"CustomerShipCountry": "",
"CustomerShipTo": "" //Required - Must match customer record if new - Character limit 50
"RouteDescription": "", //Optional
"DeliveryDate": "", //Optional
"OrderComment": "", //Optional - Character limit 1000
"DestinationWarehouseName": "", //Optional - Required if OrderType is TR (Transfer)
"RouteNumber": "", //Read only - Filled in at export
"ShipDate": "", //Read only - Filled in at export
"DateCreated": "", //Read only - Filled in at export
"LineItems": [
"LineNumber": "", //Required - Must be unique for the collection and greater than 0
"ComponentSequence": "", //Optional - Will default to 0
"ItemNumber": "", //Required - Character limit 50
"CoreItemType": "", //Optional unless item is new, then must be BASIC, SERIAL, LOT, or DATE
"QuantityOrdered": "", //Required - Must be greater than 0
"UomType": {
"UomDesc": "", //Required - Character limit 50
"SignificantDigits": "", //Optional - Will default to 0 if UOM is new and not provided
"BaseConversionFactor": "" //Optional - Will default to 1 if UOM is new and not provided - Cannot be 0
"LineItemComment": "", //Optional - Character limit 1000
"ItemDescription": "", //Optional - Will default to ItemNumber - Character limit 100
"WarehouseName": "", //Optional
"AllocationSetName": "", //Optional
"InventoryRequestTaskID": "" //Optional
"LoadDate": "", //Read only - filled in at export
"PrintDate": "", //Read only - filled in at export
"ExportDate": "", //Read only - filled in at export
"ParentOrderNumber": "", //Optional - Must be a valid order number
"TrackingNumber": "", //Read only - filled in at export
"ShippingMethodName": "", //Optional - Character limit 50
"ShippingWeight": "", //Read only - filled in at export
"ShippingCost": "", //Read only - filled in at export
"UseOrderLevelShipping": "", //Optional - Will default to False, will override to True if OrderNumber equals CustomerShipTo
"AllocationSetName": "", //Optional
"PickingPriority": "", //Optional - Will default to 0
"RoutePickingPriority": "", //Optional
"DestinationZoneID": "", //Only used with move orders
"UserName": "" //Only used with move orders