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Mobile Job Manufacturing
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Mobile Job Manufacturing
Job-Based manufacturing on the mobile device relates to manufacturing jobs that were previously created either manually through the Add Manufacturing Job process or through integration. Please review the manual processes of the Web Manufacturing Console and the Add Manufacturing Job pages.
The following steps outline how a user will activate and convert the component items into a finished good:
Before you can process Job-based manufacturing on the mobile device, you will need to log into the Web Console and navigate to Inventory Operations > Manufacturing > Manufacturing Console.
On this screen you should press the Filter, and you will be redirected to a screen showing all available Manufacturing Jobs that have been created.
You should click Details (located on the far right of the line) for the Manufacturing Job you wish to activate.
After being provided this activating LP, you should now log into your mobile device and navigate to the LP Operations tile in the WithoutWire mobile application.
Once in the LP Operations screen you will be prompted to Scan or Enter the LP number that was provided.
When the LP has been scanned, there will be two buttons that become active. Their functions are:
Activating Manufacturing –
This option allows the user to continue with the manufacturing process by activating the LP.
Destroy License Plates –
This option allows the user to delete the License Plate, and in turn canceling the Manufacturing Job.
Next by pressing the Activate Manufacturing button, the user is granted new options:
Update –
Allows the user to update and add more/less of the finished good to the LP.
Activate –
Activates the original quantity that the job was created for.
Cancel –
No action will be taken and the user will be brought back to the LP Operations page.
After completion of the Activation of the LP the user gets a success message, as well as notice of the two previous buttons that were inactive. The functions of these two new active buttons are the following:
Place On Hold –
The user can place an LP on/off hold depending on the hold status the items are on.
License Plate Details –
This allows the user to view the contents on this particular LP.