Item Upload
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Item Upload

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Item Upload



Item Upload Template

WithoutWire Item Import Template.xlsx

The Item Upload document contains the following columns:


Item Number – Required


Item Type– Required


UOM – Required


Base Conv Factor – Required


Significant Digits – Optional


Item Description – Optional, Editable


Item Generic Description – Optional, Editable


Manufacturer Number – Optional, Editable


UPC Barcode Number – Optional, Editable


Gross Weight – Optional, Editable


Net Weight – Optional, Editable


Length – Optional, Editable


Width – Optional, Editable


Height – Optional, Editable


Full Pallet Quantity – Optional


Cycle Count Interval – Optional, Editable


Shelf Life – Optional


The Item Number field is the Key in an item upload. You can reference an existing item with the key and update the following fields:


Item Number


Item Number is a required field in the Item Upload Excel file. This value represents the name of the item you are uploading or updating. If the item number already exists, WithoutWire will update the other values, if the item does not exist, WithoutWire will create the Item.




Item Type


A reference to the item type of the item being added inventory for.  If this item exists in the system, then this field is not required.  If the item is new, then the item type should be set to one of the following:




Lot – lot tracking


Date – expiration date tracking


Serial – serial number tracking





UOM (Unit of Measure)


The Base UOM (Base Unit Of Measure) is the smallest measurement of this item that will ever be handled in WithoutWire. For example, there are 24 Cans in every Case. The Can(s) is the Base UOM.





Base Conv Factor


The Base Conv Factor is a required field. This represents the number of the lowest UOM required to comprise the specified UOM in column D. For example, if 24 cans are in every case and case is listed in column D, the base conversion factor would be 24.





Significant Digits


Represents the number of decimal places WithoutWire will track inventory of the Item and Unit of Measure associated on the same row. If no value is provided a default value of 0 will be used.




Item Description


Item Descriptions provide a more detailed description of the Item. If this value is left blank the Item Number will be used as the Item Description.




Item Generic Description


Item Generic Description is an optional field in the Item Upload Excel file. The generic description is available on handheld devices to provide more information to users when the item number is not easily recognizable.




Manufacturer Number


Manufacturer Number is an optional field in the Item Upload Excel file.




UPC Barcode Number


UPC Barcode Number is an optional field in the Item Upload Excel file. If the UPC Barcode Number is filled in, it adds the ability to scan either the Item Number or the Barcode Number already printed on items in your warehouse.




Gross Weight


Gross Weight is an optional field in the Item Upload Excel file. If this field is left blank, it will default to 1.




Net Weight


Net Weight is an optional field in the Item Upload Excel file. If this field is left blank, it will default to 1.






Length is an optional field in the Item Upload Excel file. Length refers to the dimensional length of the Item. If left blank, this value defaults to 1.






Width is an optional field in the Item Upload Excel file. The width refers to the dimensional width of the Item. If left blank, this value defaults to 1.






Height is an optional field in the Item Upload Excel file. Height refers to the dimensional height of the Item. If left blank, this value defaults to 1.




Full Pallet Quantity


Full Pallet Quantity is an optional field in the Item Upload Excel file. Full Pallet Quantity is the maximum amount of that item that can be held on a container, and it is used to determine how to split orders into multiple containers. If left blank, this value defaults to 1000.




Cycle Count Interval


Cycle Count Interval is an optional field in the Item Upload Excel file. Cycle Count Interval allows you to plan the number of Cycle Counts to be performed on an item in one year. If left blank, this value defaults to 0.




Shelf Life


Shelf Life is an optional field in the Item Upload Excel file. If the shelf life is populated for items that track expiration date, this value can automatically calculate the expiration date at the time of receipt or production.




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