- 3 Minutes to read
Inventory Request Import
- 3 Minutes to read
Inventory Request
Inventory Requests are used to facilitate the movement of inventory to a specific destination. Inventory Requests can be created and added to a shared queue via the automatic replenishment process, the mobile Request Inventory tile, the WithoutWire MS FieldService add-on, or the API. They are always created in an initial status of Pending until actionable tasks have been generated.
Each Inventory Request consists of 1 item, a quantity, and a destination to move the inventory to which may be a site, a zone, or a specific bin. Even if multiple items are requested at the same time, each individual item is considered a separate request, though multiple requests may be grouped into logical units through a shared Request Group.
Queued Inventory Requests can be turned into actionable tasks for fulfillment either by the Inventory Request Task API, or via manual user selection on the Inventory Request Console. Requests are automatically moved to Complete status once quantity matching the requested quantity has been moved to the destination. Inventory Requests may be canceled at any time from the Inventory Request Console. Canceling a request will not cancel any tasks that have already been created, but it will prevent further tasks from being generated for that Request.
Request Header
Accept: application/json
Authorization: <ClientKey>
Host: api.withoutwire.com
POST https://api.withoutwire.com/integration/inventory/request
Accept: application/json
Authorization: <ClientKey>
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Host: api.withoutwire.com
Content-Length: 103
Expect: 100-continue
Connection: Keep-Alive
Request Body: Inventory Request Object
"InventoryRequestID": "", //Optional unless making changes to an existing request
"SourceProcess": "", //Optional
"Priority": "", //Optional
"SourceWarehouseName": "", //Optional - Character limit 100
Response Body: Import Response Object