Inventory Object
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Inventory Object

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Inventory Object





Description: Uniquely identifies the warehouse name where the inventory resides.

Data Type: String

Data Length: 100

Required: Yes






Description: The alphanumeric name for the position in the warehouse where the inventory is or can be stored.

Data Type: String

Data Length: 10

Required: Yes

Note: For a description of Bins in WithoutWire, read the Bin Overview.






Description: The alphanumeric name for the pallet in the warehouse where the inventory is or can be stored.

Data Type: String

Data Length: 10

Required: Yes

Note: To better understand how a license plate may be used, refer to the License Plate documentation. Default to an empty string if placing inventory right into the bin.



Description: Uniquely identifies the item in inventory

Data Type: String

Data Length: 50

Required: Yes






Description: Represents the Unit of Measure for the item.

Data Type: String

Data Length: 50

Required: Yes






Description: Represents the conversion factor to the base unit of measure for the order.

Data Type: Decimal

Required: Yes

Note: An example would be if the base unit of measurement were “Can” the base conversion factor for a case would be 24.





Description: Determines if the item is Lot, Serial, or Date Tracked.


Data Type: String

Required: Yes






Description: The Lot, Serial, or Date value.

This value must be empty if the item is set to BASIC.

If SERIAL is chosen, then the quantity cannot be greater than 1.

If DATE is chosen, then the value must be a valid date

Data Type: String

Required: Yes if Lot, Serial, or Date. 






Description: The quantity available for the item in the specific bin of license plate referenced above.

Data Type: Decimal

Required: Yes

Note: This value must be greater than 1.


Description: The allocation set to associate the inventory with. 

Data Type: String

Required: No








       "WarehouseName": "",           //Required - Character limit 100

       "BinNumber": "",                     //Required, will create a bin if value is new - Character limit 50

       "LicensePlateNumber": "",     //Required - Can be blank if not on LP - Character limit 50 

       "ItemNumber": "",                   //Required - Character limit 50

       "ItemUom": "",                        //Required - Character limit 50

       "BaseConvFactor": "",            //Required if new UOM

       "CoreItemType": "",                //Required - must match the item

       "CoreValue": "",                      //Required for LOT, SERIAL, and DATE tracked items - Character limit 50

       "Quantity": "",                         //Required - Can be negative - Cannot be greater than 1 for SERIAL

       "AllocationSetName": ""         //Optional - Character limit 100

