- 3 Minutes to read
Inventory Adjustments
- 3 Minutes to read
Inventory Adjustments
Inventory Adjustments allow the user to send a quantity adjustment or variance to WithoutWire, ERP systems, CSV exports, or API calls. It may also be used to add or remove quantity from the system.
Inventory adjustments allow users to manually modify their inventory in the warehouse. It is a good idea to limit access to inventory adjustments to only a few users, so it’s easier to track inventory issues.
Adjustments from iOS or Android
To adjust inventory in a specific location without cycle counting the warehouse, tap the Inventory Adjustment Icon from the Main Menu.
The Adjustment screen will appear.
Scan/enter the Bin location where you wish to make the adjustment.
Scan/enter the Item barcode of the Item to be adjusted.
Enter the new quantity of the Item in that location. At this time the Changed Quantity for this Item in this location will populate in the Changed Field on the screen.
Choose the type of adjustment, as well as the reason.
Edit any information on the screen that looks incorrect. Once all information is entered correctly, tap the OK button.
You will not be able to adjust inventory from the mobile device that is not already established in the WithoutWire system. Users can also get to this inventory adjustment screen through a main screen scan.
Inventory Adjustments from the Web Console
The inventory adjustment screen is where you modify the quantity of an Item in inventory without doing a cycle count.
This feature is found in the Inventory Operations Tab > Inventory Adjustments.
Enter the Item number to edit the quantity.
Select the Go button.
If the Item already exists in the location you wish to modify the quantity in, select the Bin path from the Bin Path drop-down box and move on to step 10.
If the Item is not in the inventory location click on the Add Location button.
To choose the inventory Bin location for the Item, select the top Bin from the Top Bin drop-down box.
Select the Bin path from the Bin Path drop-down box. If the Item is on an existing License Plate, select that from the list and move on to step 8.
License Plate information will appear after the Bin in the format: Bin/License Plate. If the Item is sitting in the Bin, select that Bin as the Bin Path and move on to step 8.
To add an Item to a License Plate within the Bin, you can do so by entering a unique number in the New LP field and click the Create New License Plate button or click the Auto Generate License Plate button and have WithoutWire create one.
Click on the Add Bin button.
Now select the Bin you just created from the Bin Path drop-down box.
If the Item is a non-base Item type, then select a lot number/serial/expiration date from the drop-down menu if you are using an existing Item with inventory in that Bin location. If you are adding the Item to the Bin location you will need to add an Item value in the New Lot/Serial/Exp. Date field and click Add Lot/Serial/Exp. Date.
The quantity field shows how much of that Item/lot is currently in inventory in this location. To increase the quantity put a positive number in representing the amount to increase. To decrease the quantity put a negative number in representing the amount to decrease.
Example: If you have an Item quantity that is at 100 and the user wanted to add a quantity of two to that location for that Item, they would enter the number 2 in the quantity field and click Update. The new quantity for that Item in that location would now be 102.
The WoW Only check box allows inventory to be adjusted only in WithoutWire and not sent back to the ERP system if checked. If unchecked all transactions will push back to the ERP system.
The Movement Type drop-down box determines what type of transaction this adjustment is recorded as.
Short code and ERP short codes are always set to default but can be customized upon request.
Click the Update button to complete the transaction.