Import Orders / Invoices Dynamics GP
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Import Orders / Invoices Dynamics GP

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Import Orders/ Invoices Dynamics GP



Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a long ride. All kidding aside, importing orders and invoices in WithoutWire can be as easy or as complex as your specific needs require. In the below write-up, I’ve covered the core features of WithoutWire’s order import process. Once you’ve finished reading this document, you should be able to make educated decisions about how Order Imports should be configured to meet your needs. Order imports in WithoutWire can be divided into two main sections: Order Imports and Invoice Imports. However, in WithoutWire, there isn’t a functional difference between an order and an invoice once they’ve been imported, we treat them both the same. It is important to note though, that during the import process WithoutWire needs to distinguish between an order and an invoice to ensure the order imports and exports correctly.





Imports On a Schedule


The first step in configuring Order and Invoice imports is setting a schedule for the imports. In most cases, we install a GP Integration Application with a setting to run once every minute. From there, different processes can be run once every minute or less often if the customer so chooses. In most cases, order imports run once every minute.





WithoutWire Order Filters


A warehouse in WithoutWire usually matches with a site in GP. WithoutWire will only import orders that exist in a pre-defined list of sites. During your initial integration setup, you’ll need to let your developer know which sites you would like WithoutWire to integrate with. During order imports, only orders that are set up in a site that is integrated with WithoutWire will import. Orders are also filtered based on the document type in GP. Let us know which Document Type IDs you would like WithoutWire to import.





Getting the List of Orders


To import orders, WithoutWire will first run a query against Dynamics GP Web Services. WithoutWire will query the GP Database seeking orders that meet the following conditions:


Created Date Greater Than January 1, 1900


Modified Date Between @StartDate and @EndDate (Configurable)


Transaction State Equal To “Work”


Customer Name Not Equal To Empty String


Above, the variables @StartDate and @EndDate are referenced. These values can be changed per customer preference. Keep in mind though, the larger the gap between the @StartDate and @EndDate the longer each integration cycle is likely to take.





Configurable Options During Order Import


Allow Order Revisions


Check Process Holds – If the Check Process Holds Configuration is set to true. WithoutWire Integration will check the sales order for any process holds before importing. Any process holds on the order will prevent the order from importing into WithoutWire.


Use GP Order Shipping Info – If this configuration is turned on, WithoutWire will import the shipping address off the order header in Dynamics GP. Orders are still required to be associated with a customer and a customer ship to. However, with Use GP Order Shipping Info turned on reports in WithoutWire will show the address from the order header instead of the ship-to address from the customer.


Import Additional Order Header Info – WithoutWire can import additional order header information if the configuration is turned on. This should be on in almost all instances. The additional information fields include: Shipping Method, Batch Name, GP Order Note, GP Order Comment, Delivery Point, Transfer To, Sales Order Email, Batch Import Status, Charge Freight Status, UPS Ship Days, SOP Type, Sales Person ID, Payment Terms, Master Number, and Billing Code.




Line Item Details


WithoutWire will import all the line items on an order from Dynamics GP. If an item exists on order and does not exist in WithoutWire, an error will be posted to the WithoutWire Integration Error Log. By Default, WithoutWire will import Dynamics GP’s Quantity to Invoice as the quantity ordered for the line. Varying configurations exist around this process see Line Item Configurations + learn more about configuring the quantity ordered in WithoutWire.




Line Item Configurations


Import Back Order Qty As Ordered Qty – With this configuration turned on WithoutWire GP Integration will sum the values in the Quantity To Invoice and * Quantity To Back Order* fields and set the result to the Quantity Ordered in WithoutWire.


Ignore Drop Ship Items


Report Kit Component Parent Item Number


Import Order Detail GP Qty’s


Allow Order Revisions


Update Times Print


Do not update times printed import


Import Staging Order Success


Allow Order Updates In GP


User-defined fields can be mapped to different properties in WithoutWire. Below, you’ll find a list of user-defined fields, along with the associated field in WithoutWire. Some of these fields have been used for different purposes in various installs. When we have an available configuration, I’ve defined the option in more detail.


User-Defined 3 – This field is associated with the Store Number in WithoutWire by default.