Customer Object
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Customer Object

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Customer Object





Description: The bill-to name for this customer.

Data Type: String

Required: Yes

Data Length: 100

Required: Yes




Description: The bill to address field 1 for this customer.

Data Type: String

Data Length: 100

Required: Yes






Description: The bill to address field 2 for this customer.

Data Type: String

Data Length: 100

Required: Yes






Description: The bill to the city for this customer.

Data Type: String

Data Length: 50

Required: Yes






Description: The bill to state for this customer.

Data Type: String

Data Length: 50

Required: Yes






Description: The bill to zip code for this customer.

Data Type: String

Data Length: 12

Required: Yes






Description: The bill to zip country for this customer.

Data Type: String

Data Length: 50

Required: Yes






Description: A short description for the customer.  

Data Type: String

Data Length: 50

Required: No





Description: A unique identifier for the customer, separate from the Customer ID WithoutWire uses to uniquely identify customers.

Data Type: String

Data Length: 50

Required: Yes

Note: This value is commonly set to the ID of the customer stored in an ERP.



Description: The bill to phone number for this customer.

Data Type: String

Data Length: 50

Required: Yes 






Description: A reference to the primary shipping address for this customer.

Data Type: String

Data Length: 7

Required: Yes

Note: Use only if ship-to address is not supplied 





Description: Any array of shipping addresses

Data Type: Array

Required: Yes








       "CustomerName": "",                                    //Required - Character limit 100

       "CustomerAddress1": "",                              //Required - Character limit 100

       "CustomerAddress2": "",                              //Optional - Character limit 100

       "CustomerCity": "",                                       //Required - Character limit 50

       "CustomerState": "",                                    //Required - Character limit 50

       "CustomerZipCode": "",                               //Required - Character limit 12

       "CustomerCountry": "",                                //Required - Character limit 50

       "CustomerShortDesc": "",                            //Optional - Character limit 50

       "CustomerNumber": "",                                //Required - Character limit 50 

       "UpcManufacturerNumber": "",                    //Optional - Character limit 7

       "CustomerPhone": "",                                   //Optional - Character limit 50

       "ConsiderDepartment": "",                           //Optional

       "ConsiderDepartmentWhenPicking": "",      //Optional

       "CustomerShipTo": "",                                  //Required - Character limit 50

       "Gs1CompanyNumber": "",                          //Optional - Character limit 7

       "StartingContainer": "",                                //Optional - Character limit 9

       "CustomerClass": "",                                    //Optional - Character limit 15

       "NotificationEmail": "",                                 //Optional - Character limit 100

       "RequiredShelfLife": "",                                //Optional





