Customer Upload Template
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Customer Upload Template

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Customer Upload Template

WithoutWire Customer Import Template.xlsx



The Customer Upload document contains the following columns:


Customer Number – Required


Customer Name – Required


Bill To Address field 1 – Required


Bill to Address field 2 – Optional


Bill To City – Required


Bill To State – Required


Bill To Zip Code – Required


Bill to Country – Required


Bill To Customer Phone – Optional


Customer Ship To – Optional


Customer Ship To Address Field 1 – Optional


Customer Ship To Address Field 2 – Optional


Customer Ship To City – Optional


Customer Ship To State – Optional


Customer Ship To Zip Code – Optional


Customer Ship To Phone – Optional


Customer Ship To Fax – Optional


Customer Ship To Country – Optional


Notification Email – Optional




Customer Number


The Customer Number is used to uniquely identify Customers. WithoutWire will use this field to determine whether a customer record already exists or not.





Customer Name


The customer name of the customer to be updated or imported.




Bill To Address Field 1


The Bill To Address Field 1 of the customer to be updated or imported.




Bill To Address field 2


The Bill To Address Field 2 of the customer to be updated or imported. This field will be left empty if no value is provided.




Bill To City


The Bill To City of the customer to be updated or imported.




Bill To State


The Bill To State of the customer to be imported or updated.




Bill To Zip Code

The Bill To Zip Code of the customer to be updated or imported.




Bill To Country


The Bill To Country of the customer to be imported or updated.




Bill To Customer Phone


The Bill To Phone Number of the customer to be imported or updated. This field will be left empty if no value is provided.




Customer Ship To


A default value of “Primary” will be used if no value is provided. Some customers may have more than one shipping address. Use the “Customer Ship To” field to identify each of your customers unique shipping addresses.




Customer Ship To Address Field 1


The ship to address field 1 value of the customer shipping address to import. This value will default to the bill to address field 1 value if no value is provided.




Customer Ship To Address Field 2


The address 2 field of the customer shipping address to be imported. This value will default to the bill to address field 2 value if no value is provided.




Customer Ship To City

The city value of the customer shipping address to import. This field will default to the value of the Bill To City if no value is provided.




Customer Ship To State


The state value of the customer shipping address to import. This value will default to the value of the bill to state is no value is provided.




Customer Ship To Zip Code


The zip code of the customer shipping address to be imported. This field will default to the value of the bill to zip code if it is not filled in.




Customer Ship To Phone


The phone number of the customer shipping address to be imported. This field will default to the bill to phone if no value is provided.




Customer Ship To Fax


The fax machine number of the customer shipping address to import. This field will be left empty if no value is provided.




Customer Ship To Country


The country value of the customer shipping address to import. This field will default to the value of the bill to country if no value is provided. This field will default to the value of the bill to country if no value is provided.




Notification Email


The notification email address can be used for notifications related to this customer. 




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